Stephanie (Year 9), Maddison (Year 10), Caroline (Year 11) and Mardi (Year 9) have become Victorian Champions winning the All Schools Track Relay U18 4x400m at Lakeside Stadium.

Our Year 6 Environment Captains have launched a new initiative to encourage all Junior School girls to be mindful of the environment by bring with them each Wednesday, lunchboxes that are free of rubbish and excess waste.

Our Annual Music Concert will be held on Wednesday 9 September at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The evening will showcase an array of diverse musical and vocal talent. Performances from the School’s Orchestras, Stage Band, Concert Bands, Choirs, Ensembles and Soloists will showcase the talents of girls from Year 3 to Year 12.

As part of Dairy Australia’s Picasso Cows Program, Junior School students have been learning all about the Australian dairy industry, and were provided with the opportunity to decorate a life-size fibre glass cow named Cogneeta!

Congratulations to our Senior School Hip Hop Team who have won Bronze at the National Dancestar Championships on the Gold Coast.

Piano festival 2015 is here! Our students have been enjoying all things ‘piano’ this week, with piano concerts, trivia and competitions.