2016 is off to a flying start at Lowther Hall! Welcome back to all of our returning families and a special welcome to all of the families who are new this year. The girls have embraced the new year with confidence and enthusiasm and it has been lovely to see their excitement. In Senior School we marked the beginning of the year with a Commencement Service presided over by Bishop Phillip Huggins at which we recognised our Year 12s and the special role that they will play in our school this year. We are looking forward to a similar service with our Junior School girls next week.
Commissioning of the Chaplain
Yesterday was a particularly significant day for Lowther Hall as we Commissioned our new Chaplain, Reverend Emily Fraser. During the Commissioning Service, Reverend Fraser was presented with symbolic gifts by representatives of the School Community: from the students, a prayer book and a framed copy of the Qualities of the Lowther Hall Girl, representing the Chaplain’s connection to our Anglican traditions and the development of the students; from the parents (represented by Jacqui Costanzo and Catriona Minney, President and Vice President of the Parents and Friends’ Association) a plant, representing the growth that Reverend Fraser will foster in our diverse community; and from the Staff, a small statue signifying the nurturing and care that Reverend Fraser will bring to our school.
Property Improvements
You may have noticed that there has been a great deal of work going on in the areas surrounding the Mansion. New asphalt has been laid and in the April holidays surfaces will be added which make these areas suitable for sport activities and active play. A new hedge has been planted along the front of the School and we are now in the process of adding irrigation to many of the garden beds in order to ensure the year round flourishing of our garden areas.
I thank all girls and staff for a wonderful start to 2016.